Cats, Kits & Cuddles

Cats, kits and Cuddles, 
Were walking thru the puddles, 
On a rainy Tuesday down town afternoon.

Cats said to Cuddles, 
the kittens are all muddled, 
I hope the sun comes shining out real soon.

So down the street they went, 
To a mysterious event, 
Their little tails a'waving in the air.

Cuddles said to Cats, 
I know just where we're at, 
Fear not my friends we're very nearly there.

Soon they could smell some fish, 
A kitty's fav'rite dish, 
Their pitter patter pattered up a pace.

Fish market said the sign, 
Fish of every kind, 
Oh yes my dears this surely is the place.

There was salmon, there was cod, 
There was mackerel, there was scrod, 
Kitty heaven swam before their eyes.

They went up and down the aisles, 
Smiling kitty smiles, 
Till finally they selected their best prize.

They put it in a sack, 
Slung it o'er their backs, 
And considered then what best for them to do.

Let's go to Ali's place, 
Said a smiling kitty face, 
For she'll prepare it for us and her kitties too.

So down the road they went, 
Laughing their content, 
And soon were at Ali's kitchen door.

Come in and bring your fish, 
Said Ali (lovely miss), 
There's always room here for some more.

Soon the lovely meal was done, 
They went rolling in the sun, 
And smartly cleaning whiskers, face and paws.

Cuddles, Kits and Cats, 
Were soon dozing on their backs, 
Purring like a hundred little saws.

Thus now our tale is thru, 
I hope it amused you, 
It certainly was a lot of fun to write.

So till kittens, Cats and Cuddles, 
Again go tripping thru the puddles, 
I'll say to you my friends a very fond good-night.

By: Wayne Pond
Copyright © 07-19-02


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