Home At Last


Home is a short and powerful word,
It says so much or so I've heard.
Until now it hasn't been so for me,
I've been a wanderer… a "spirit free".

Wherever I'm at that's all there was.
But that didn't matter atall because,
There was nobody waiting, no-one to care.
So what the difference if I'm here or there.

Then I found my sweet lady and I realized,
I wanted a place with those beautiful eyes.
A place for our love to grow and to shine,
A place for our bodies to intertwine.

It's here, it's real, oh Happy Day,
It's more than just a place to stay.
A place for my Darling, for cats, for trees,
And Thank You Lord, a place for ME.

That little word now means the world,
My castle, my keep, my flag unfurled.
Should I still chance to travel, wander or roam,
I have a place I BELONG, I now have a HOME!!!!!

By: Wayne Pond
Copyright © 12-05-2002


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